Le Bâtiment pour Cadres Célibataires (BCC) remporte le deuxième prix

June 2023, Le Bâtiment pour Cadres Célibataires (BCC) remporte le deuxième prix dans la catégorie "logement construit comportant jusqu'à 5 étages" décerné par Rethinking The Future.

Ce bâtiment de 200 chambres est l’un des trois projets conçus récemment pour l'ESID Ile de France (Etablissement du Service d’infrastructure de la Défense). Il concilie les contraintes fortes de sûreté du Fort de Montrouge et l'ouverture sur la #Ville : le jardin au cœur du projet profite à l'espace public, et propose aux résidents un havre de calme et de lumière.

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L'architecture une économie en projet

April 2023, Une interview de Brice Piechaczyk

Il faut ramener la question de l'économie de l'architecture à celle de la valeur

 "L'entreprise d'architecture n'est pas du tout un gros mot... C'est notre outil de travail qui, par son organisation vise simultanément l'épanouissement de nos collaborateurs et notre exigence de qualité"

La question est donc : comment conserver la même énergie et les mêmes convictions sur notre rôle social, la conscience de l'intérêt public, notre vision éthique du métier d'architecte ?

En ce qui concerne enia, notre structuration n'a toujours eu qu'un seul but : faire mieux notre travail et fédérer le plus efficacement possible la force du collectif."

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enia architectes au Passenger Terminal Expo 2023

March 2023,
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Chantier de rénovation : les modules en parement béton fibré sont validés

March 2023, L'équipe travaux a visité l'usine fabricante FHER au mois de mars.
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enia architectes au MIPIM 2023

March 2023,
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Intervention de Brice Piechaczyk à la deuxième conférence des Etats Généraux des Tours

February 2023,

Paris La Défense (PLD) s’est doté d’une raison d’être et a annoncé des objectifs chiffrés ambitieux de trajectoire carbone en réduisant de 50% ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre d’ici 2030. (Une trajectoire plus ambitieuse que la Stratégie Nationale Bas Carbone). Naturellement, de nouveaux objectifs seront fixés dans les prochaines années pour se mettre en conformité avec les objectifs nationaux de 2050. Ce qu’on pourrait donc appeler une planification environnementale est un sacré clin d'œil au PLAN dont est issu le quartier de la Défense.

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Intervention de Brice Piechaczyk à la conférence des Etats Généraux des Tours

January 2023,

L'Université de la Ville de Demain, lancée en 2019 par la Fondation Palladio sous l'égide de la Fondation de France, s’est proposée d’explorer, lors de sa deuxième édition, les problématiques auxquelles devra faire face le quartier de Paris La Défense dans les années à venir.

L’occasion pour Brice Piechaczyk, associé de l’agence enia architectes, de revenir sur l’histoire mais aussi sur l’avenir du premier quartier d’affaires européen avec une conviction : Il est urgent d’intégrer et d'objectiver l’empreinte carbone dans les choix de transformation des modèles en place.

Symbole de la puissance économique française, l’évolution du quartier de Paris La Défense pose beaucoup de questions : hausse du télétravail, obsolescence du parc foncier, utilisation des transports en commun, végétalisation des espaces urbains, etc. Quel avenir donnera-t-on à ce quartier ?

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Inauguration de la première résidence Finestate à Issy-les-Moulineaux

December 2022,

Ce bâtiment de bureau obsolète des années 80 est désormais converti en 46 logements entièrement équipés avec services. Une réponse à nos préoccupations environnementales et sociétales.

DÉCARBONER: 550 tonnes d'émissions évitées, 35% plus performant qu'un bâtiment neuf RE2020
DENSIFIER: deux étages en structure bois ajoutés
LOGER: une nouvelle forme d'habitat pour répondre à la crise du logement
REQUALIFIER: une écriture architecturale sensible et renouvelée

Ce projet a reçu en 2021 le Prix Interdépartemental de l’Innovation Urbaine 2021 dans la catégorie des «Innovations programmatiques et fonctionnelles».

Avec C&E Ingénierie (structure), ICE (fluides), Acoustique et Conseil (acoustique), Acorus (entreprise générale) et The Great Hospitality (aménagement intérieur).  
Maître d’ouvrage : Finestate

© photo : enia architectes

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Le Havre cruise terminals

November 2022,

Our consortium - enia architects, Atelier Bettinger Desplanques, EGIS Bâtiment Centre-Ouest, LEGENDRE Génie Civil (Project leader) and Dalkia - has won the competition for the development of the cruise terminal at the Pointe de Floride in Le Havre. This project involves the construction of three cruise terminals. Work will start in autumn 2023 for delivery in 2025.  

Perspective: © Vize

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enia is recruiting !

September 2022,

Enia architectes is looking for an architect with 3 to 5 years experience to work on projects and competitions.

Send CV and portfolio to recrutement@enia.fr

Completion of work on the Galileo Centre

August 2022,

The work on the Galileo satellite radio navigation programme monitoring centre is nearing completion: a showcase of reflections housing exceptional technology at the service of European space expertise. 

Design and build consortium: Spie Batignolles IDF (leader), ENIA ARCHITECTES, Spie Batignolles Génie Civil, Spie Industrie Tertiaire, Euro MC, TPFI, Critical Building

Photo: ©Epaillard+Machado

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Housing delivery in Arcueil

July 2022,

This 200-room building is one of three projects recently designed for ESID Ile de France (Defence Infrastructure Service Establishment). It reconciles the strong security constraints of the Montrouge Fort with the opening onto the city: the garden at the heart of the project benefits the public space, and offers residents a haven of calm and light. 

Design and build consortium: NGE Bâtiments - ENIA ARCHITECTES - Logabat - IDEX

Photo: ©Epaillard+Machado

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We are recruiting !

June 2022,

Communication Officer participates in the implementation of the communication action plan defined by the partners. He/she develops and implements the communication actions in a project management logic.

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Facades2Build Conference

June 2022,

Enia architectes participated on June 16th in a conference organised by Facades2Build in Paris. Brice Piechaczyk and Marc-Antoine Delbauffe spoke about the complexity of the Table Square project in La Défénse.
Find below the full text of this intervention.

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Construction Awards 2022

June 2022,

Your votes are in! Our two projects - Table Square and Mess - are candidates for the Trophées de la Construction 2022 organised by Batiactu and SMABTP. Vote for one of our projects by clicking on the Learn more link below. 
Deadline for entries is 30 June!


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Delivery of the catering building

May 2022,

The restoration building for the Ministry of the Armed Forces has been delivered.
A big thank you to all our partners for the realisation of this project: Fayolle (contractor), C&E Ingénierie (structure), Axyal (restoration), B3E (fluids, VRD), Lasa (acoustics), Soletanche (geotehnics) and Réolian (operation/maintenance). Client: Ministry of the Armed Forces. 

Photo: ©Epaillard+Machado

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The largest university data centre in Europe on the Doua Campus

March 2022,

Our agency, leader of the project management consortium (ENIA ARCHITECTES, APL, CET, H3C, Acoustique&Conseil, SMALL) has won the competition for the construction of the new computer centre at the University of Lyon 1. This project marks a major step towards securing university research and reducing energy consumption: in addition to rationalising data management, this new datacentre meets the highest levels of current energy performance.

Perspective: ©enia architectes


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Rennes 1 Campus 2030: the renovation of the Villejean health campus in 2022

February 2022,

Our consortium (Bouygues Bâtiment Grand Ouest, enia architects, C&E Architecture et Ingénierie, Inddigo, Oteis, Cabinet Collin, Acoustique Yves Hernot) won the tender for the framework agreement to renovate the three campuses of the University of Rennes 1.
Strong objectives (to divide the energy consumption of the campuses by 4) + an intervention on a remarkable architecture (that of Louis Arretche) + an occupied site: the renovation of the 20th century heritage is one of the major challenges we have to face.
We are extremely pleased to contribute to this ambitious pilot operation, and we would like to thank the University of Rennes 1 for its confidence.
The first building concerned is the Villejean Health Campus, where studies have begun.
See you in the summer of 2024 for delivery!

Perspective ©enia architectes


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Catering building Fort de Montrouge

December 2021,

Construction of the catering building of the Defence Infrastructure Service Establishment in Arcueil. The façade installation is now complete.

Photo : ©enia architectes

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St Joseph's Church - winner of the Architizer A+Awards 2021

November 2021,

The Saint Joseph church project is once again rewarded by being the winner of the Architizer A+Awards 2021 in the Architecture+Art category!
A big thank you to all our partners for the realization of this beautiful project - S2T (Structural works), ECIB Fabrice Deroo (Economy), Tecam (external works), Small (Landscape), Thierry Boissel (Stained glass).

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Ongoing transformations and the future of the sector

November 2021,

Brice Piechaczyk's intervention during the installation day of the Observatory of the economy of architecture which took place on Tuesday 16th November at the Cité de l'architecture & du patrimoine.
Thanks to the organisers for the invitation and to the other participants for their intervention.

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Enia in the Ekiden!

November 2021,

This year, two enia architect teams participated in the Paris Ekiden, under the Eiffel Tower! 

Building Smart, Liveable and Sustainable Cities

November 2021,

Ba Tuoc Vo, international director of enia architects, presented the Plan for the Development of Mobility and Energy Networks and the Strengthening of the Green Grid in La Défense, at the "Building Smart, Liveable and Sustainable Cities" conference at the Indian Pavilion, World Expo 2020 in Dubai.  

The concession contract for the Ouagadougou Airport has been signed!

October 2021,

Marseille airport and Meridiam signed last week with the State of Burkina Faso a 30-year concession for the design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance of the country's new international airport located 35 kilometres north-east of the capital Ouagadougou in the Donsin region.

Enia architects is proud to be part of this project, which is scheduled to start construction at the end of 2022!

photo : © enia architectes

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Construction of the Galileo Security Centre

October 2021,

Construction work on the security monitoring centre for the European Galileo programme is progressing rapidly. The glazed ceramic façade is currently being installed. 

In partnership with Spie Batignolles IDF, Spie Batignolles Génie Civil, Spie Industrie Tertiaire, Euro MC, TPFI and Critical Building.
Client: ESID (Etablissement du Service d'Infrastructure de la Défense).

photo : © enia architectes

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Grand Prix du Design - Tablesquare / Eclipse

October 2021,

Table square et Eclipse sont lauréats de la 14ème édition du Grand prix du Design canadien.

Table square - Lauréat Or Architecture dans la catégorie Bâtiment commercial / Boutique, clinique, restaurant, bar&boite de nuit et 
Lauréat Argent dans la catégorie Prix spéciaux / Reconversion&Recyclage.
Eclipse - Lauréat Argent Design intérieur dans la catégorie Hébergement, restaurant&bar / Restaurant >500m².
Bravo à tous !
Maitre d'ouvrage :Linkcity
Groupement : Enia architectes, Arcadis, Elioth, Euroconcept, Bouygues Bâtiment Ile de France.

photo © Epaillard+Machado

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Construction Moderne presents the Espace Pompidou in Courbevoie

August 2021,

The Espace Pompidou, designed by enia architects, integrates in a single building a sports facility, spaces dedicated to the municipal band and the Courbevoie municipality's green space department. The Espace Pompidou is presented as a seam between existing and future buildings, respecting the diversity of the facilities while affirming the institutional identity of the gymnasium, explain the architects.
Click on more information to read the full article.

Photo : © Epaillard+Machado

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La Défense Inside-Out

July 2021,

The contribution of enia architects to an urban reflection carried out by Groupama immobilier with 5 architectural agencies who deliver their vision of the future of La Défense. 

Ring, paths, footbridges, suspended squares, gates, stations, links: our project is based on a hierarchy of embedded, complementary and evolving structures. The implantation of the Ring is conceived as an operation inverted in relation to the structure of the site, a backdrop which becomes a place in its own right. The fringes become the revealing force, the diagonal gives a new dimension to the site. These multiple wanderings allow La Défense to pass from a public good to a common good.

Perspective: © Vize

Video: © Enia

Rethinking The Future Awards 2021

May 2021,

Winner in 2018 of the Architize A+Awards, our Tablesquare project, delivered in 2020, has been awarded by Rethinking The Future Awards 2021 in the Hospitality category. 
Tablesquare is the first project to make use of residual volumes in La Défense, initiated and supported by Paris La Défense. 
With 3,500 m² of abandoned parking space reused, this operation is a true demonstrator of transformation that shows that La Défense has an incredible capacity for regeneration. The project recomposes a square in the heart of La Défense and houses 7 quality restaurants (Eclipse, Koedo, Italian Trattoria, 3 Brasseurs, Daily Pic, Mersea, Grillé) whose reopening is eagerly awaited!
A big thank to Linkcity and Urban Renaissance Développement for their confidence as well as to all our partners for the quality of their collaboration: Bouygues Bâtiment Île de France, Arcadis, Elioth, Euroconcept, Permasteelisa.


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Construction of the offshore wind turbine factory in Le Havre

April 2021,

The construction of the offshore wind turbine plant in Le Havre is progressing rapidly. We are proud to be part of this exceptional project, and to contribute to meeting the energy challenge of the coming decades. A big thank to Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy for its confidence!
Project management: Egis, Artelia (Le Havre) and Enia architects. 
Works consortium: GTM Normandie-Centre, Eurovia (earthworks), SNO TP (external works), Soletanche Bachy Fondations Spéciales, Menard et Botte (deep foundations) and Engie Solutions. 

Photo : ©Epaillard+Machado

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Conference "Façades: when the steel architecture the envelope" - Speech by Mathieu Chazelle

April 2021,

Watch Mathieu Chazelle's speech during the conference "Façades: when steel architects the envelope" organized by ConstruirAcier, in partnership with the Maison de l'architecture Ile de France. The conference was animated by Olivier Leclercq.  

Thanks to the organizers for the invitation as well as to the other participants for their intervention - Bernard Vaudeville, director of TESS engineering workshop, Anna Palisson, engineer of the Enveloppe Métallique du Bâtiment, Clément Mansion, associate architect of the Chabanne agency and Jacques Sebbag, associate architect of the archi5 agency.


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